Code Eurodicautom : AUG

Code Lenoch : HUB95


Terme : aimants permanents de concentration


Ensemble d'aimants permanents créant un champ magnétique qui focalise les faisceaux d'électrons dans un tube intensificateur d'image. (STOF-R)

Code grammaire : NM


1) "système de focalisation" (LIDI-B (Vol R-Z) : 271) est l'hyperonyme2) Aimant permanent : aimant dont le champ magnétique est produit par des matériaux aimantés de façon permanente. (ETI-C : 109)

Auteur : Isabelle Stoffel

Liens conceptuels

aimants permanents de concentration "est une partie de" intensificateur d'image à trois étages


Terme : permanent magnet focus assembly


An assembly of permanent magnets, mounted in the image intensifier tube, focusing the electron beam by means of the magnetic field it produces. (MCGR-B : 1188 (R))

Code grammaire : N


Each detector assembly consists of a Digicon tube, deflection coils, a permanent magnet focus assembly, magnetic shielding, mounting and alignment structure, heat pipes, temperature sensors, hybrid preamplifier, and connectors. (STSd-G : 63)


A magnetically focused image intensifier uses both electric and magnetic fields for electron imaging. Electrons from the photocathode are accelerated by a series of ring-shaped electrodes that are spaced out at regular intervals down photoelectrons into a tight spiral as they are accelerated. By balancing the electric and magnetic fields properly, the photoelectrons are brought to focus on a phosphor-coated ouptput window at the opposite of the tube. (MCGR-B (Vol 9) : 31-32)

Auteur : Isabelle Stoffel

Liens conceptuels

permanent magnet focus assembly "is a part of a(n)" three-stage image intensifier

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