Code Eurodicautom : AUG

Code Lenoch : HUB95


Terme : système à satellites de poursuite et de retransmission de données

Code grammaire : NM

Auteur : Isabelle Stoffel

Liens conceptuels

système à satellites de poursuite et de retransmission de données "reçoit les données de" traitement des données et contrôle des instruments scientifiques


Terme : Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System


A network of four satellites, launched from Space Shuttle in 1983, 1986, 1988 and 1989, used to track NASA spacecraft and relay their data and commands more efficiently than is possible with a ground-based tracking network. (MITT-C : 379)

Code grammaire : N


At the end of the exposure, the accumulated image is either transmitted to ground via the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) or written to an onboard science tape recorder for later transmission to ground via TDRSS. (GREE-G : 4)


It is the first space-based global tracking system.(MITT-C : 379)

Auteur : Isabelle Stoffel

Liens conceptuels

Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System "receives datas from" scientific instrument control and data handling

Synonyme : TDRSS

Code grammaire : N


At the end of the exposure, the accumulated image is either transmitted to ground via the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) or written to an onboard science tape recorder for later transmission to ground via TDRSS. (GREE-G : 4)

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