concept n° : ST031
domaine : musicologie

organisme : TERMISTI
auteur : Gracienne Benoit

Accueil - Homedate : 2005.07.01


définition : A normalization or concise representation of an interval succession, such that the numbers of the latter are grouped together in ascending numerical order.

source : FORTE 1973: 63-64

note : the numbers are written without intervening spaces or hyphens

source : FORTE 1973: 64

entrée : basic interval pattern

grammaire : compound noun

contexte : (in an analysis) the circular permutations of [a chord] (...) produce (...) distinct patterns of interval succession, reduced (...) to a normalized form, called the basic interval pattern, in which the numbers that represent the intervals of the succession are placed in ascending order

source : FORTE 1988: 336

contexte : [Example of] an instance of pitch-class set 4-27. Circular permutation: 5 11 3 8. Intervals: 6-4-5. Bip: 456.

source : ibid.

entrée : bip

grammaire : Abbreviation

note : “bip” is the abbreviation for “basic interval pattern”

contexte : the bip 123 is among the bips of 4-Z15, but not among the bips of 4-Z29, yet both sets have the same interval vector.

source : FORTE 1973: 67


entrée : modèle intervallique de base

grammaire : groupe nominal masculin

note : dans la version française d'Analysis

source : BENT & DRABKIN 1998 : 190

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